$19.95 Shipping applies to orders with a subtotal under $100.
Discounted Shipping (across Canada - except Extended Delivery addresses see below)*
For residents of ON and QC, we offer a discounted shipping rate charge of $9.95 (+applicable tax) if your order is $100 or more ($19.95 shipping charge for orders under $100).
For residents of AB; BC; MB; NB; NS; PEI and SK, we offer a discounted shipping rate of $14.95 (+applicable tax) if your order is $100 or more ($19.95 shipping charge for orders under $100).
NFLD has a flat rate shipping charge of $29.95 regardless of order size, due to the high costs of shipping there.
Orders usually leave our warehouse and enter the postal system within 1-3 Business Days *after* the date the order was placed. A "Business Day" is Monday through Friday. Weekends and Holidays are not considered Business Days.
*Extended Delivery Charge +$5 for ON/QC and +$10 AB; BC; MB; NB; NS; PEI and SK to Addresses where Canada Post charges us hefty Surcharges